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About Lauri

Lauri is a woman of gratitude, acceptance & compassion – her three main life principles. Her energy is full of dualities: Strong and soft, vibrant and reserved, dreamer and grounded.

If someone had asked her at age 25  “Are you happy?”, she would not have known exactly how to answer. She had “everything”, but she was not sure if, at that moment, she was directing her life in the right way to feel real fulfilled.

Little by little, she began to change her life. She started to take refuge in sports training (and has now run 5 marathons), to eat a cleaner and greener diet, and to incorporate new healthy and conscious habits. After a while, she decided to quit her job in finance, travel alone to – and through – Asia, study yoga in India, and reset herself.

Now, she is living in New York City, founded beautiful•yoga which offers private yoga sessions tailored to clients’ needs where she works as a private yoga teacher.  Beautiful-Yoga offers classes online and in-person to a broad array of clients in NYC, The Hamptons, Denver, San Francisco, Miami, Medellín and Bogotá.

She continues to expand the focus of her yoga journey into healing though becoming a Reiki Master and studying Bio-Emotional Healing. Her goals are to inspire people to be more present, heal their bodies and minds, and give the best yoga wellness experience in-person and online to her clients.

She is a firm believer that everything that you do with passion and discipline is possible and that the journey must be accompanied by laughter, mistakes, and love with all of your heart.

You can find me @laurigrisales

"Yoga means addition -  addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul"

Amit Ray


Certified Ashtanga Yoga Instructor (YTT 200)
Himalaya Yoga Valley Center – Goa, India

In Process Therapeutic Yoga Instructor (YT 850)
Prema Yoga & Pure Yoga – New York, New York

Angelic Therapist Certificate
Con Ingrith Schaill Maestra Espiritual  – New York, USA

In Process Reiki Master
Udemy Institute – Lisa Powers

In Process Bio Emotional Healer Therapist
Bio Sanación Emocional – Andrea Lasprilla

Industrial Engineer
Universidad de los Andes-  Bogotá, Colombia


A beautiful present from me to you!

Connect with your body, with your breath, with yourself.
Enjoy a beautiful practice to bring yourself in a beautiful stage of awareness.
25 min yoga to feel great, relax and stretch the whole body.
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